The Photo Award Weblog
This is where blogs are posted from hikers, cyclists, fans of the outdoors, and amateur or professional photographers on all kinds of topics related to the European long distance E1 and R1 routes, photography and travel. Experienced bloggers covering many different subject areas present their guest blogs on all aspects of the E1|R1 Photo Award.
Anyone who wants to be a part of this and help make it come alive can join in and contribute his or her own stories about Europe’s first long distance routes, or about hiking and photography. Ideas are always welcome. Just send an e-mail to blog(at)e1r1-photoaward.eu.
The E1 European long-distance path in Germany
The E1 European long-distance path in Germany – Anyone who has walked from Alexanderschanze to Ziegelhausen has covered a good chunk of the E1 in Germany and has seen Odenwald and the Black Forest. Of course the places are not actually in alphabetical order along the E1 path. We have organised them in this order on our website so that you can find out easier if you have ever been to, or near to, the E1 path or whether you may have even stayed there. If, for example, you've taken some good pictures of these areas [...]
The entire E1: from the North Cape to Sicily as a couple
“5 Questions for” hiking bloggers, Lena & Thilo – After nature photographer Philipp Daweke and cycling enthusiasts, Bernd and Uschi Biedermann, who have cycled the entire length of the R1 European Long-Distance Cycle Trail, we had the chance to ask two E1 experts, who’ve hiked the entire E1 Long-Distance Hiking Trail together, to answer our questions. The entire E1: from the North Cape to Sicily as a couple In early May 2016, Lena and Thilo from Darmstadt took a break from their office jobs to fulfil their dream of hiking the E1 Long-Distance Hiking Trail. After [...]
E1 European long-distance path in Switzerland
E1 European long-distance path in Switzerland – At around 340 km, you’ll find the shortest stretch of the E1 hiking trail running through Switzerland. This fairly small country needs no extra space to showcase its breathtaking beauty. In the city of Konstanz on the Lake Constance you will cross the German-Swiss border, passing through Rapperswill, Schwyz and Gotthard to reach Lugano, at which point you will cross the border again into Italy. Along the way you are going to see Switzerland’s most spectacular side. Lake Zurich and Lake Lucerne in Switzerland’s heart are up there among [...]
Euroroute R1 in Belgium
Euroroute R1 in Belgium – The Euroroute R1 section in Belgium gives you about 97 km of excellent cycling from the French to the Dutch border (or vice versa). More specifically, you are going to cycle through Flanders, a northern region of Belgium that also creeps into France. This region is not just a cycler’s paradise, its culinary heritage is absolutely fantastic. The special Belgian waffle looks so tasty that becomes the centrepiece of every photo. More to the point, after a long slog on the bike all day, what’s more refreshing than a cool [...]
Heading east on the Euroroute R1 to St. Petersburg
“5 questions for” travel writer, Bernd Biedermann – Photographers, hiking enthusiasts and professionals all get to have their say here. Throughout Europe, they’re embarking on a search for new adventures, challenging trails, and a truly special moment in the great outdoors. At the same time, they are getting to know new friends and cultures, taking part in exciting events, and adding to our wanderlust with their breath-taking photographs. For our blog, we want to know exactly what’s going on, and in this series of interviews, we pose “5 questions for” bloggers, travel journalists, and amateur and [...]
The R1 Euroroute in the Netherlands
The R1 Euroroute in the Netherlands – We all know that in Europe, the Netherlands are considered a cycling haven. Indeed, the Dutch are even a little crazy about cycling! It’s no wonder, because in this stunning, flat country with perfectly maintained cycle paths, cycling is a real pleasure. Discovering the Netherlands on the R1 gives you a real insight into the country. Aside from those iconic postcard photos like blooming tulip fields and windmills, you can also find beauty in the numerous parks, stunning coastal routes and bustling cosmopolitan cities. Places such as The Hague, [...]