Blogger convention for E1|R1 Photo Award
– Interested parties can now sign up for the blogger convention in Land des Hermann. The convention, which will take place at the beginning of September, will not only create new and exciting content for the E1|R1 Blog, but will also encourage networking within the community and will highlight new co-operative possibilities.
In the E1|R1 Photo Award Weblog, hikers, bikers and photographers share their experiences of travelling and photographing along the European long distance paths E1 and R1. A wide variety of authors tell stories of their trips and give useful tips for ambitious outdoor enthusiasts and amateur photographers. The first top-class contributions are already online, while others are still in planning. Wellness blogger Tanja Klindworth has already been on the go on the Lüneberg Heath for the E1|R1 Photo Award Blog, journalist Thomas Limberg has been in the Teutoburg Forest, and animal photographer Valentina Goeck has contributed a series of photo tips.
We will be delighted to hear from anyone who would like to share experiences and pictures from E1 or R1, and who is open to co-operation. From 1st to 3rd September, we will also invite interested bloggers from all over Europe to a blogger convention at the Hiking Centre of Excellence WALK. If you wish to attend, simply sign up by e-mail to the E1|R1 blogger convention.