21 June 2017

On the E1 in Lüneburger Heath just south of Hamburg

21.June 2017|

On the E1 in Lüneburger Heath just south of Hamburg   Wellness blogger Tanja Klindworth is convinced: “the European long distance hiking trail E1 leads through Germany, through probably the most beautiful scenic regions that our country has to offer” – one of these is Lüneburger Heath in the north [...]

19 May 2017

On the E1 from Detmold to Altenbeken

19.May 2017|

On the E1 from Detmold to Altenbeken Part 1: At (the fairly large) foot of the Hermannsdenkmals [the Hermann Monument]. In his capacity as a journalist, Thomas Limberg has already published several travel articles. His travel pictures were even printed in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, among others. In his independent [...]