21 June 2017

On the E1 in Lüneburger Heath just south of Hamburg

21.June 2017|

On the E1 in Lüneburger Heath just south of Hamburg   Wellness blogger Tanja Klindworth is convinced: “the European long distance hiking trail E1 leads through Germany, through probably the most beautiful scenic regions that our country has to offer” – one of these is Lüneburger Heath in the north [...]

19 May 2017

On the E1 from Detmold to Altenbeken – Part 2

19.May 2017|

On the E1 from Detmold to Altenbeken – Part 2 Flora, Fauna and an awe-inspiring rock formation. In his travel and wandering blog Breitengrad66 Journalist Thomas Limberg tells stories from his travels throughout the world and in his own backyard. He is writing about what he saw and experienced over [...]